Book Review: Fate of the Stars by Arwen Paris


Title: Fate of the Stars
Author: Arwen Paris
Publication Date: September 1, 2017
Genres: Science Fiction, Dark Fantasy, Young Adult


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Fate of the Stars
Arwen Paris
Legendary Prose, September 2017
ISBN 978-1-947334-01-4
Trade Paperback

From the author—

When the fate of the world rests upon you…

Allison Delaney wants to spend her senior year healing from the loss of her father, to leave the shadows of his death and her junior year break-down behind. A Labor Day beach party seems like a good place to start…but there’s more danger lurking than anyone could imagine. Death is coming to Earth if the pods of infectious creatures aren’t stopped. But only one human can help…

To live or die is no longer a choice.

Eenoki is a protector of life but must have a sentient host to fight the invasion. A teenage girl would not be the best choice, but out of desperation Eenoki invades Allison’s mind and body, granting her unnatural abilities and strengths – and helping her escape certain death when the first wave of pods land.

As destruction rains down on Earth’s population, Allison realizes to save everyone, she must make the ultimate choice: Reject her human side and bond with Eenoki to become the Earth’s Priestess – or be killed along with the rest of humanity.

One of my favorite oldtime science fiction movies is “Invasion of the Bodysnatchers” (the 1956 version) and that’s what this book’s jacket copy sounded like so, well, I had to read it. Lo and behold, Ms. Paris has pulled off a really fun and credible take on a gloriously cheesy premise.

Every campy science fiction tale has to have a hero and Allison fits the bill quite well…or maybe I should say Allison/Eenoki. In the movie, being taken over by an alien was a very bad thing but, this time, being taken over turns out to be a good thing (if the taking over is being done by the right kind of alien) because Eenoki wants to save humanity, not destroy it. Thing is, Allison doesn’t know at first that she’s been invaded and occupied but there are some pretty strange things happening to her. It’s one thing to fight the aliens and quite another to cope with problems at home.

Besides a nifty plot, I really think Allison is a very nice girl who loves her mom and is a reluctant though well-meaning hero, just the right kind. Eenoki…well, I just can’t be spoilery so you’ll have to read the book 😉

But wait! There’s a second bunch of aliens??

Fate of the Stars is unlikely to ever be called The Great American Novel but Ms. Paris has made a place for herself in the world of adventurous, fun science fiction. I’m glad to have met Allison and hope to see what will happen next.

Reviewed by Lelia Taylor, September 2017.

About the Author

Arwen Paris is the author of young adult fiction. Her debut YA Sci-fi Urban Fantasy novel FATE OF THE STARS released September 1, 2017. The actions packed pages of her novels are filled with characters that are forced to face fears they never expected. When she’s not writing, you can see posts of her (too many) vacations that keep her sane. Arwen lives in Washington, has a big crazy family & after the day job, she writes Fiction For the Fearless – #F3Fanatic

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